We miss Kids Stuff!
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

This petition was created in order to inform the executives at Sirius/XM of our collective dissatisfaction in the dissolution of Kids Stuff. Our intensions are one of awareness, with the hopes of provoking change. Our ideas of change are expressed in our comments. We feel we are shareholders in Sirius because we pay a monthly fee. We feel we have a right to share our opinion. We feel our opinions should have weight in the decisions made in regards to the content of the Sirius/XM radio stations. By signing this petition you agree that you are dissatisfied with the current kids music selections. You feel change needs to be made to children's radio format on Sirius/XM.
I am Christine Rosas. I am the mother of Angel Rosas, age 3. My need to for this petition came about when I turned on Kids Stuff, only to find a radio station that did not meet my expectations of a kids radio station that I became accustomed to on Sirius Digital Radio. For the first time, my daughter asked for the radio to be turned off.
I felt it necessary for the executives of Sirius/XM to be aware of the dissatisfaction of its subscribers, so I created this petition.