Keep the Lansdowne Pub! Don't let a SPAR move in.

KEEP THE LANSDOWNE PUB! - Sign the petition to show your support! Petition to re-open The Lansdowne; A meeting was held at Canton Community Hall on 28th February 2012 with the new owners of the Lansdowne (Pub) building. The meeting was a chance for residents to air their opinions about the future of the bar area, now that the work has been completed on converting the rest of the building into flats. The owners gave us three options to vote on; 1. To lease the space on a long term basis to a chain shop/supermarket such as Co-op or Spar 2. To lease/sell to an outside company to open a restaurant 3. To open the Lansdowne as a pub/restaurant along the lines of the other venues ran by Chameleon Group such as The North Star. (http://chameleongroupcardiff.com/venues) The majority of the room wanted the pub to re-open along the lines proposed. The idea of the meeting was for to owner be convinced there is a market for a pub; he seemed to want to open another Chameleon Group bar, but without local interest he would take the easy money and lease the property to Co-op. We want to to rally support for keeping the Lansdowne as a pub (as we think Canton would benefit from it more than another shop), so please FORWARD THIS PETITION this to any followers/friends who would like to know about the developments, and might even want to contact the owners (via the councillors facilitating the consultation) to show their support for keeping the site for a pub - details below. The alternative, as the owner made clear, would result in a new convenience store opening, such as Co-op or Spar. This would not only put serious pressure on Aurora’s Cash Stores, a well-liked and a long serving family shop in the area, but it would also secure the death of a historic Cardiff Pub. The Councillors can be contacted by email on the links below; Richard Cook: ricook@cardiff.gov.uk Cerys Furlong: cfurlong@cardiff.gov.uk Ramesh Patel: repatel@cardiff.gov.uk SO sign below (or even send the Councillors above a quick email) to show your support. Thank you!