Stop the Harassment of San Francisco's Bucket Man

Larry Hunt, AKA Larry \"The Bucket man\" is a true San Francisco treasure. His music has entertained thousands of tourists and locals in San Francisco for years. Larry\'s unique musical talents have been heard on Powell and Market streets, Civic Center, and in Union Square. His contagious smile can be seen as he plays his array of buckets, pots and pans. He was seen in the movie,\"In the Pursuit of Happyness\" starring Will Smith and he has volunteered his time entertaining and inspiring children in San Francisco schools. In an attempt to gentrify San Francisco, and rid the streets of so called Blight, Larry has received 4 tickets costing 250.00 each. Larry has lost substantial income as a result of being told to move on. Larry\'s court date is 3-25-08 at 850 Bryant, Department A. Larry cannot afford to pay these tickets. Please support Larry in his fight retain his livelihood play his music. Street musicians have a right to perform. Your signature and support is appreciated. http://www.youtube.com/watchv=j0Nz1MOKzw0 http://www.myspace.com/larrythebucketman