Layne Staley Fans Petition

This goes to all media outlets, record labels, & management, Layne Staley was a talented, gifted vocalist, songwriter, musician, & artist!
Fans of Layne Staley are joining together to demand his contributions to music be respectfully Honored.
A True Book: (one written by family & friends & fellow bandmates that have true, postitive, incredible stories about Layne!)
A MTV/VH1 Behind The Music Special/Rockumentary: (since AIC is out on tour again w/the new lineup & songs, we feel as though it would not only honor Layne's memory & achievements w/AIC, but also promote the band.) *Which has already brought a new generation of AIC fans, not to mention that in every interview the topic of layne staley comes up*
A Movie/Biopic: (one that depicts how he achieved his goal with that powerful voice and drive to become a singer. His legacy in AIC, Mad Season, Misc Side Projects.)
Plez join us over at laynestaleyfans group on facebook, let us know if you have any suggestions. *any of the above suggestions, we would hope that Layne's Mother (Nancy) would approve & allow a true...yet tastful tribute to her son's beautiful legacy he left us with*
*Notice from Petition Owner - Pleaseread this petition in fullbefore signing to make certain you fully understand and agree with what this petition for Layne Staley represents!
LayneStaley Fansgroup / Facebook:
To find out additional info or make suggestions plez feel welcomed to come check us out at the laynestaleyfans group on fb! it's all about the layne luv!
LayneStaley Fansgroup Video Channel:
Watch all the videos of this legend by visiting the LayneStaleyFans Youtube Channel!
This petition is free to sign....just click on another page after you've sign it and your entry will be saved!