Real Leadership at the MDGop

Chairman Mooney, With your announcement of an exploratory committee for a potential Congressional run the state party is put at further disadvantage. You made a commitment to serve a full term as chair as well as to improve our dismal financial situation. During your tenure as Chair we have remained in debt and directionless. While not all the blame can rest on your shoulders, the buck stops with you. You are already a part-time Chair, running for Congress will take up even more of your time. It would seem that the only reason you sought the chairmanship was for your own gain. We need a leader whose sole focus is on getting our party back on track and energized. How can we count on you to raise funds for the state party when you will be soliciting donations for yourself? We, the undersigned, hereby ask you to submit your resignation as Chair for the benefit of the party. Please do not sacrifice our party on the alter of your own political ambitions. Respectfully,