Legalize the Birds and Bees!

Backyard Chickens and Bees are currently banned under the Animal Controls Bylaw Section 8 prohibition which specifically targets poultry and bees.
This same legislation offers rules for smell, noise and neighbor disturbances that can be enforced against any pet owner.
We are asking that the City of Castlegar remove section 8 from the Animal Control bylaw and allow Chickens and Bees to be kept as pets so long as they do not violate the same rules set out for all other animal owners.
In a world where food sovereignty and sustainability are becoming increasingly important our legislation has seemingly taken steps backwards. Let's change this and at least give the birds and bees a chance!
Bee colonies are on the decline globally, yet urban bees are thriving thanks to the diverse pollen found within populated centers where residents keep gardens. Keeping bees not only encourages crop pollination and food production, it helps stabilize local eco systems and if you're lucky (or dedicated enough) you can even get some honey! Not all bee keeping has to do with honey though, under current legislation it is even illegal to keep mason bees - those hard working, sting free, awesome little buzzers keeping your garden beautiful.
Chickens, simply put, are GREAT PETS! Remember those eggs we hatched in Elementary School? How cool was that? Raising chickens is an absolutely fantastic experience for any child and teaches valuable life lessons. When kept in small numbers, most breeds become quite affectionate to their owners. They help with garden maintenance and pest control, they process green waste into fertilizer, they are quiet and lay eggs!
And let's face it, it ain't easy to find farm freshies in Castlegar.
Please sign this petition and ask the City of Castlegar to at least give hens a chance. With your support we should at least be able to launch a pilot project to prove that chickens do not deserve the reputation they get and that banning bees is just plain silly.
Thank you.