Capital Bikeshare at Lincoln Park

We the undersigned request the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) to reconsider its decision not to install a Capital Bikeshare Station in the vicinity of Lincoln Park following protest by neighboring homeowners. While we are told Councilmember Tommy Wells' office is pursuing, in consultation with the National Park Service (NPS), placement of the the facility on the interior of the park, over which the NPS has jurisdiction, we oppose this for several reasons: 1. It is unclear if Capital Bikeshare would be permitted on the location as NPS has an agreement in place with another third-party vendor of "First Right of Refusal" to operate a similar system on federally maintained park land. Even if this issue is resolved, there remains significant red tape, which would further delay a complete roll-out of the system. 2. Currently, an alternate location of 13th and D Street, NE is proposed. While we fully support a bikeshare location at this site, this should not be considered an "alternative", but rather an enhancement of the system. Success of the bikeshare program requires multiple stations conveniently scattered throughout neighborhoods to encourage short trips. 3. We support placement of bike station on one of the pedestrian islands, either at the southeast or northeast corners of the park. The pedestrian islands are serviced by multiple crosswalks and provide ample space for a bike rack. The stations, which are powered by solar panels, receive ample sunlight. Most importantly, these parcels are under the jurisdiction of the city--not the NPS. While the above outlines our general position, we would welcome a renewed dialogue with the small number of residents--mostly neighbors across from the originally proposed location-- who have come out in opposition. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate in finding a mutually agreeable location, within DC public space.