We Want a LOKI Movie (Please)!
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Hello fellow mortals, and welcome to the object of our collective enthusiasm!
We the gracefully and gratefully undersigned have gathered, whether singly or in large chattering groups, to express in digital signatory our collective and emphatic desire for a film about a bad guy.
Not just any bad guy, mind you. A specific bad guy. Named Loki. Whose descent into bad guy-ness was previously featured in Marvel's 2011 film THOR, and who is set to starrocked the houseas the centerpiece villain in Joss Whedon's upcoming sure-to-be-mega-blockbusterrecent film, THE AVENGERS, which apparently made so much money that they had to invent new numbers to count it all.
As portrayed byan actor of particular distinction known as Tom Hiddleston, recently described by Entertainment Weekly as a "rock star."
(We agree.)
We also think that a film starring Tom's deliciously compelling personification of Loki would be the perfect companion to Marvel's extremelysuccessfulcadre of films about the good guys. Not that any of the Avengers are bleached white-hats by any means, but wouldn't it be fun to crawl under the black hat (or hugely intimidating golden-horned helmet) of one of the not-so-good-guys for two hours and see what makes him tick?
(We think so.)
If you agree, just add your digital Hancock to the list, and we'll see what happens...