IBM should continue to produce Lotus-focused Redbooks.

It has been leaked that the Lotus Redbooks center in Westford, MA, USA will be closed. This has been confirmed by IBM. My take on this (and the general consensus from the blog posts I have read on the topic) is that this is a very regrettable move for those in the Lotus community that rely on Redbooks to assist with deployments, planning, upgrades and integration projects. The Redbooks provide a quality and type of documentation that is simply not found anywhere else. Therefore, I put forward this petition for you and others to sign: \"We believe that ITSO Redbooks are an essential aid to the Lotus and Websphere Portal community, that more Lotus Redbooks are required for new products such as Notes/Domino8, Quickr and Connections, and that they should continue to be published in the future.\" This petition will be live until the end of December and at that point I will send it to those in IBM responsible for the WPLC/Lotus business. Hopefully, by that stage we can get many hundreds or even thousands of signatures. To help with this case, if you agree with the message, please could you publicise this petition via your own blogs, Facebook profiles, personal relationships etc. Thank you, Stuart http://www.collaborationmatters.com