Make Malaysian airsoft a legal and supervised recreational activity
Pertubuhan Pemain Airsoft Negeri Johor (PPANJ) is petitioning the government of Malaysia to legalize and recognize airsoft as a sport and recreational activity. Currently airsoft sport in Malaysia is not recognized as a sport and individuals who wishes to own a permit for the ownership and use of airsoft guns is subjected to strict and next to impossible rules and conditions. Even if one manages to fulfil these conditions, there are no guarantees that he will be granted a licence and permit to play and own an airsoft gun.PPANJ wishes the government of Malaysia to understand that airsoft is a great sport, which encourages teamwork, fitness and encourages tactical and technical thinking of its players.
PPANJ wishes that the government of Malaysia to recognize the fact that if well managed and regulated, airsoft is safe and not a threat to national security.
Airsoft can generate tax revenue.
Not legalizing and ignoring the rights of Malaysians to pursue their sport of choice may lead to more problems in security and crime rate.
PPANJ has taken a forward stance and created this formalized petition here to rally support the the legalization of airsoft in Malaysia. Please sign this petition and send it to all friends, share in Facebook pages, twitter sites, airsoft pages, and other social networking sites around the world.
PPANJ Secretary