Marylebone Road Pedestrian Crossing
PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AS ANONYMOUS ENTRIES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED BY THE COUNCIL. We the undersigned ask that the two pedestrian crossings on Marylebone Road near Enford Street are timed so that able-bodied adults and children can cross from north to south without having to wait for a full cycle of lights in the central island. The central islands become crowded and children travelling to the nearby schools are pushed close to the traffic. The timings require a very short extension of the pedestrian green light. As they are timed at present, parents and children are forced to run into the road in the pause between green and red, and run serious risks which could easily be eliminated with very little effect on traffic flow. We ask that TFL and the Council protect this vulnerable group from the serious health and safety threats posed by rush hour traffic on the Marylebone Road. The petition will be submitted on July !st.