McDonald's - I'm NOT Lovin' it! (Change your Slogan)

When did slogans become so unrelated to the product? McDonald's' slogan "I'm Lovin' it", started in 2003 has gone on long enough and needs to be changed.
We should hold companies to a higher standard when it comes to what they repeatedly expose the public to, especially global corporations.
The slogan seems harmless enough? Read on.
Perhaps you have seen over the last few years, more and more companies are putting out slogans that simply have nothing to do with their product. McDonald's didn't start this, but they are definitely the longest running "unrelated" slogan of this century.
As for McDonald's, their slogan has quite a few issues:
1. It is grammatically incorrect. "Lovin'" is not an actual word, nor is it an accepted word truncation in the English language. By using this slogan, they are promoting poor grammar.
2. By using the word "Lovin'" what they are really saying is: "Loving", which is "the act of loving something or someone". When did "Love", something cherished and sacred between beings with a special emotional bond become "eating some fast food"? McDonald's is devaluing the word "Love" and devaluing a special word to an everyday casual action. This alone will psychologically change the way people view what love is. Do not allow them to dictate the meaning of love and how it is used.
3. The fact that, now, you may hear "I'm lovin' <put action here>" on a regular basis. This phrase, if it actually existed before this seemingly unending advertising campaign, has become almost common place. What you are really doing when you say this phrase, now, is subconsciously promoting McDonald's due to saying their slogan. By association, the use of the slogan in everyday life connects the corporation to your actions and feelings. Deny McDonald's this association and stop using the phrase! What ever happened to "I'm having a great time!" or "This is so much fun!"?
Yes, if you really don't think about it too much, it almost seems like a silly petition, but if you really look into how McDonald's is affecting you on a daily basis due to their advertising slogan, then you begin to realize how this chapter in McDonald's book needs to end.
Note, according to Wikipedia information, McDonald's has a new slogan "What we're made of", but it has yet to be used publicly in commercials. Not that that slogan is any better, since we really don't know what McDonald's is really made of...