Help us get Mystic Prophecy, Edguy, and Brainstorm HERE in the USA

Mystic Prophecy - Edguy - Brainstorm Tour Petition This petition is being created to organize a campaign to get a few great metal bands over to our land here in the USA. I first thought of this while Martin Albrecht of Mystic Prophecy was co-hosting my web radio show with me. It seems as though many great metal bands from Europe and abroad will never get over to the US. We want all of you to help us in our effort to get these first three bands over to the USA. We want the promoters to know there is enough interest to get these bands over here and make some money. I realize this might take you some time to fill out and read, but it\'s a small amount of time and all the bands would thank you for helping. Please fill your name in here and send off to as many people as possible whom would be interested in signing it. Because this is a petition it in no way guarantees anything, but could be a start to helping out bands get from Europe to America to share their music with us. We will continue to fight mainstream media and the like who keep this type of music limited to internet exposure and smaller outlets. So fill this petition out and make your voices heard. Please only US citizens who would attend a concert with any or all of these bands. Thanks for your help and support!! HORNS UP!! \\m/ www.mysticprophecy.com www.edguy.net http://truemetal.org/brainstorm 1. Crusher 2. Sybil at psychodixiechick@sbcglobal.net 3. Claire