I support the Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Plan

Dear Morgantown City Council -
As a Morgantown area resident, I support the Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Plan. By signing this petition I am asking City Council to vote for the Plan which will improve the health and quality of life for everyone in Morgantown.
The Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board has created a comprehensive plan to improve the safety of pedestrians and create a connecting network of walkways throughout Morgantown. This will help our economy and health, reduce traffic, and provide environmental benefits for young and old, current and future residents of Morgantown. Based on an objective impact scoring system, a list of future pedestrian projects in each neighborhood was assembled and ranked. The projects, including installing and repairing crosswalks and sidewalks, improving lighting, and reducing traffic speed, total approximately $32 million. The current annual City budget is only $100,000. Thus the Plan endorses the enactment of the Walkway, Walkway Lighting, and Traffic Calming Fee (title revised 1/26/10 from "Neighborhood Sidewalk and Safer City Service Fee") of $1 per linear front footage fee on all property in the City rather than charging individual property owners for sidewalk construction/repair (which is currently in City Code).
Please vote FOR passage of the Pedestrian Safety Plan and the Walkway, Walkway Lighting, and Traffic Calming Fee (title revised 1/26/10 from "Neighborhood Sidewalk and Safer City Service Fee"). Our safety and health are at stake.
A copy of the plan is available by clicking here, or by pasting the following URL into your web browser: