Don't Cut New York's Libraries

We, the undersigned, urge you to oppose the $18 million cut in Library Aid proposed in the 2009-10 Executive Budget. Here are the facts: · Library usage is up and continues to rise. At the same time, the proposed cut reduces funding to 1993 levels. · Library funding has been flat or reduced for the past decade. And in the past year alone, library funding has been cut twice. · Libraries stretch state tax dollars. Library systems provide $13 worth of public service for every $1 the state invests in them. · Library systems create economies of scale and provide services efficiently through regional cooperation, resource sharing, and collaboration. Cuts at the state level will mean increased costs to local taxpayers. Your constituents use services libraries provide to get help writing resumes, apply for jobs, take ESL and literacy classes, and accessing government assistance programs. Families use libraries to borrow reading materials and other resources, learn about do-it-yourself projects, and enroll their children in early literacy programs. According to a recent poll by the American Library Association, in over 73% of communities, the library is the only source of free Internet service. No other state-funded service provides so many New Yorkers with so much for so little. Library funding is currently less than one tenth of one percent of the state budget and decreasing. Please consider all other options before further reducing funding for the libraries and library systems that serve the people you represent. NOTE: There may be a PayPal donation request after you sign the petition. This is optional and is a donation request from iPetitions to support their services. There is no obligation on the signers part to make a donation and libraries will not receive any donated funds.