2011 Michigan Bass Regulations Proposal

This petition is in regards to changing the current Michigan Bass regulations in order to do away with the current closed season in all areas of the state and change it to a catch & release season. The current catch & release seasons in all areas would stay the same as would the current open seasons in all areas. By doing so there would be numerous positive effects in a variety of different ways. Some but certainly not all of the advanatages would be as follows;
1) Biologically there isn't really any advantage to the closed season, the dates that the season is closed the fish are not even spawning yet in most areas and therefore there really is no reason to have that period closed. Even in the areas where the closed season would partially cover the spawning season, studies have shown there is virtually no impact on Bass fisheries by having an open season during their spawning time.
2) Angler hours would be increased, this would give Michigan an opportunity to increase angler hours on the water which has a wide array of benefits. For example, local economies in areas where Bass fishing is a popular sport would certainly benefit from the increase in anglers travelling there and spending money at local businesses "tackle shops, motels, restaurants, etc...". In these tough times, all Michigan businesses can use all the help they can get. It would even have a Global impact on the fishing industry, the more angler hours on the water, the more angling related purchases will take place, thus helping out the entire fishing industry.
In closing by taking a minute or two out of your busy day, signing this petition could indeed make this become a reality.