Sign this Petition PUPPY MILLS in Midland County will not be tolerated!
Donna Jenkins Michigan 0

Sign this Petition PUPPY MILLS in Midland County will not be tolerated!

4951 signers. Add your name now!
Donna Jenkins Michigan 0 Comments
4951 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The problem it is easy to most who see the pictures, that these dogs are suffering. Yet, the state comes in and says no laws have been broken. What?? Most people in Midland county believe we live in a great area, yet we have dogs living in horrible conditions. How on earth can old wooden rabbit hutches with rotten wood, where 3/4's of the total space is open to the elements be good enough? Even the floor is wire..catching little feet and ensnaring long nails. Beneath the wire lay piles of excrement on the ground. They are using old #10 tin cans for water dishes. And there are short haired breeds out there in sub zero weather with no heat whatsover. The breeds that do have long hair, their hair is matted and filthy. The shihtzu rescued from there was covered in fleas and sores. They are in these cages 24/7. So some of these animals have been there for years without ever given the chance to stand on solid ground!

The Midland County Sheriff says that his hands are tied, because Midland county has no ordinance regarding the care of kennels, so it reverts to state law. The state law is not protecting these dogs, so we demand better for the animals in our county.

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