missing Baloch activists

Dear Supporters of Human Rights, We need as many people as possible to email the Secretary General of Amnesty International, London, on behalf of countless missing Baloch: ikhan@amnesty.org. Please appeal to the International community, EU, UN, US, UK and other nations to stop supporting Pakistan unless it resolves the Balochistan issue. The support of Western countries is directly being used against our unarmed civilians and hurting our people. We also appeal to the International media to report on the Balochistan conflict and press Pakistan to allow the international media to enter Balochistan and interview the Baloch people, especially the relatives of missing person and those who have been victims of state sponsored brutalities. Here is a partial list of missing persons: 1. Ehsan Arjemandi Baloch, a Norwegian citizen who went to Balochistan to visit his family and friends in Balochistan (Pakistani occupied), was forcibly abducted by Pakistani Intelligence Agencies while on his way to Karachi. Mr Ehsan's family has not heard from him since his abduction. Family members say that Ehsan is suffering from heart disease and it very likely that he will be tortured by Pakistani security forces. 2. Mr. Zakir Majeed, senior vice chairperson of the Baloch Student Organisation, "Azaad (B.S.O)" was abducted by the Intelligence agents on June 8, 2009, while he was at the marketplace in Mastung, near Quetta, with two other BSO members. Plain-clothed men identified themselves as intelligence agents working for the Pakistan Army before taking Majeed away without informing him of any charges against him. 3. Another student, Miss Karima Baloch, 23, was sentenced to three years in prison and fined Rs 150,000 (US$1,875) by the Anti Terrorist Court (ATC) in Turbat, Balochistan, on June 2, 2009, after she and several others women had demonstrated in August, 2006, against disappearances. She was charged with defiling the flag of Pakistan and with sedition. 4. Dr. Deen Mohammad Baloch, a young Baloch doctor, was abducted on June, 29, 2009, from his official residence in Ornarch Hospital. He is also a member of a Baloch political party BNM (Baloch National Movement). His children say that he was the only earning hand of the family and after his arrest the children could not even afford to go to school. 5. Chakar Qambar Baloch, another young Baloch student, was arrested in Quetta on July 10, 2009. After two nights of severe torture he has been charged with anti-state activities. But his family and friends say that he is one of the brightest students in his class and has never been involved in militant activities. His only fault is that he raised his voice against the abduction of his fellow student leader Mr. Majeed Baloch. That is why he has been arrested and charged. He missed his exams and his career has been ruined. 6. Mr. Jalil Reki Baloch, the central information secretary of BRP (Baloch Republican Party), was abducted by Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan on 13 February, 2009. He is still missing and family and beloved ones have not heard from his since his arrest. 7. Master Yahya was abducted from Noshki, Balochistan, on 11 August, 2008. His whereabouts are not known to his family and friends. His beloved ones do not know about his condition. An anonymous source reports that Mr Yahya is being held in Army Cantt in Quetta. 8. Iqbal Baloch was abducted from Mand, Balochistan, on 14 March, 2007, along with two other friends. His friends were later released, but Iqbal Baloch is still missing. Mr Iqbal's mother recently passed away due to the shock of his disappearance. The list of missing Baloch activists is so long, as there are thousands of Baloch who are either missing or languishing in Pakistani jails accused of crimes they did not commit. Act now and send an email to show your concern about missing Baloch activists to Amnesty International @ ikhan@amnesty.org Campaign Coordinator Baloch Unity Conference BUC-UK