Modcloth: Bring Back the Ikebana For All Skirt

Dear Modcloth,
I was super sad to see that one of your greatest ever items was taken from your line recently. I say recently because one of my favourite bloggers has only recently nabbed it.
This is worth more than just a season. It's a skirt of such high quality I've worn it for ages without it wearing out. It's timeless, restyleable and classic. My friends in a small town in Australia would see this as a skirt that would define a decade. Take my friend Emma, who has seen many of us wearing the skirt regularly, and was so disappointed to find out her dreams of owning one are now ended.
While online petitions are usually used to create huge social change, we have one teenie, tiny first-world request: please bring this skirt back.
We love Modcloth. We love sustainable fashion. We love clothes that transcend seasons and become classics, letting us wear them again and again. Please bring this skirt back!
****UPDATE**** The skirt is back! http://www.modcloth.com/shop/skirts/ikebana-for-al...