Requesting a formal apology and retraction from LAUSD President Mónica García

We all understand that political campaigns entail some mud slinging, but there are instances where candidates cross lines that just aren't acceptable in civilized society. Recently Los Angeles Unified School District President Mónica García mailed our entire district a flyer that explicitly states "Her opponents stand up for predators..." This is fully documented on the 4LAKIDS blog post: "NO SHAME: Until this moment, Mónica García, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?" http://4lakidsnews.blogspot.com/2013/03/no-shame-until-this-moment-monica.html García's deplorable flyer plumbs the very depths of depravity, and is offensive in the extreme. Categorically untrue, her despicable accusation should be widely condemned by everyone. Because some of García's opponents are parents whose children attended LAUSD schools, it is unconscionable for García to make such libelous and slanderous statements. Collectively we are calling on Board President García to make a public apology to both her fellow candidates, and to all the residents of her district, all of whom she offended with her degrading and deplorable flyer.