Ms. Mary and Sir Marcel at ISPS

Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginis
Dear Parents of ISPS - Jai Shri Mataji
This is an open letter to Sadhana Didi regarding the desire of the parents to reinstall Ms. Mary and Sir Marcel into their positions at ISPS.
To show your respect for the work of Ms Mary and Sir Marcel and to show Sadhana Didi our concern about the future of ISPS - please sign this petition.
Open Letter to Sadhana Didi
December 12th, 2014
Most respected Sadhana Didi,
Prior to the arrival of Sir Marcel and Ms. Mary
Kuhn, we, the undersigned parents of the ISPS students, were aware that the
situation with respect to the wellbeing of the children at the school was
However, since the arrival of this couple as
Principal and General Manager we find that things have greatly improved and the
entire school has opened up like a flower.
We are greatly impressed by their work and we strongly believe that Ms. Mary and Mr. Marcel’s active participation in the overall activities of the school are the main reason for such a great improvement.
Therefore, in order to ensure the continuity of a satisfactory school performance in ISPS, we would like to request you to reaffirm the position of Ms. Mary as the Principal and Mr. Marcel as the General Manager of the school. Please note that the undersigned parents would not guarantee their support in the hiring of any new Principal.
Furthermore, we believe that Ms. Mary and Mr. Marcel should be empowered with all the necessary authority to look after the well-being of the children and the school by allowing them to be involved in the human resources management of the school. This should involve having the ability to recruit and let go personnel.
Finally, there is a great concern regarding the significant increase in school fees. Therefore, we would like to request a plan outlining the use of the additional funds. In addition, we request that all financial information be transparent and disclosed to Ms. Mary and Mr. Marcel for them to share with the parents on a regular basis.
We kindly request your feedback regarding the above mentioned matters at your earliest convenience, as your response will affect the parents’ decision regarding the students’ return for the 2015 school year.May the school continue to grow in Sahaja Yoga and continue to benefit from the teachings and blessings of our Holy Mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
Jai Shri
The parents of the ISPS students