NC Choose Life License Plate

For the past eight years the NC Legislature has not allowed a Choose Life specialty license plate to be brought to the floor for a vote. NC already has over 130 specialty plates in use. Your signature on this petition would show our legislators that there is support for the Choose Life plate in NC and that it should be allowed to be brought to a vote. Funds from the sale of each license plate will go to support the work of pregnancy care centers in NC. Currently there are 80 pregnancy care ministries in NC that last year alone served over 46,000 women. These centers offer a variety of services from pregnancy tests to parenting classes, baby supplies to mentoring pregnant teens, to ultrasounds and STD testing by medical personnel. Each plate sold will provide $15.00 toward funding the free services these centers offer. These funds will be distributed by Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship, Inc., a network of the pregnancy care ministries in NC. Visit www.cpcflink.org to learn more about this network. There are now 24 states with Choose Life license plates. NC is the only state in the southeast that prohibits the sale of the Choose Life license plate. Please sign this petition to show NC Legislators your support of the NC Choose Life license plate. Your email address will not be used for any purpose other than this petition. And, contributions are not necessary. Just X out of the website when you get to that page.