I support the Newcastle University Occupation
Newcastle University Occupation 0

I support the Newcastle University Occupation

327 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Newcastle University Occupation 0 Comments
327 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I, the undersigned, give my support to the aims and demands of the Newcastle University Occupation. The demands: That the University release all documents regarding education cuts at this establishment to students and lecturers. That the University release an official statement rejecting the Government proposals for Higher Education, condemning any education cuts or rises in university tuition fees and acknowledging the current breakdown of democracy that has lead to these student protests. That the Vice Chancellor, Chris Brink, write and send an open letter to the Government appealing to them not to implement cuts and to call for Vice Chancellors across the country to unite against cuts in the education budget, any rise in tuition fees and the removal of Educational Maintenance Allowance. That there be no victimisation of the students involved in this occupation nor disciplinary action taken against them, and that they be marked as present at the lectures or seminars they miss as a result of this occupation. That the University send out a statement of support for all pupils/ students from schools, colleges and Universities involved in this protest and occupation requesting that they should not be penalised for these actions. That all asylum seekers wishing to study at Newcastle University are treated as home students following the example set by London Metropolitan and Manchester Universities Greater student representation in University management, thus we demand ten Newcastle students are involved with running our University, each with a vote on senate or council. In addition, that students are included in the Vice Chancellor’s meetings with academics concerning fees and cuts, due to take place in the coming weeks. The urges: That all teaching staff devotes some teaching time over the next week to discuss the impact of these education cuts on students, staff and society. That other Universities, schools and colleges release statements rejecting the cuts to higher education, tuition fee rises and the removal of the Education Maintenance Allowance. That lecturers are free to voice their opinions on the issue of cuts without the fear of reprisal from the University.

***If you are a student, alumni or member of staff at Newcastle University, please mention this in your comments.**** 


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