Support the Hate Crimes Prevention Act
Dear Member of Congress: Every day transgender people across our nation are threatened with violence and discrimination. Just walking down the street can require extraordinary courage in the face of intolerance and hostility. Far too often, harassment escalates to an attack, resulting in serious injury or even death. Transgender people often live in fear of those who translate their personal prejudices into violence directed against us. Despite the extreme levels of violence often wielded against transgender victims and the frequent use of anti-transgender language, these crimes are not tracked or addressed as hate crimes because gender identity is not included in the federal laws. In order to stem the tide of violence, the passage of legislation like the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act is vital. We believe--as we know you do as well--that America should be a country where all of its people, of all races, classes, abilities, genders, gender identities and sexual orientations, should live in safety, free from hate-motivated violence. Please pass the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.