Soutien aux employ

Je soutiens les employes de NESPRESSO dans leur lutte pour de meilleures conditions de travail et de salaire. Je deplore la politique sociale actuelle de NESPRESSO. Je souhaite donc que NESPRESSO (et le groupe Nestle) s'engagent en ce sens. POUR INFORMATION LA PAGE QUI SUIT LA CONFIRMATION DE SIGNATURE VOUS DEMANDE DE FAIRE UN DON POUR LE SITE MAIS VOUS N'ETES PAS DU TOUT OBLIGE DE LE FAIRE IL VOUS SUFFIT DE FERMER LA PAGE =========================== TRADUCTION ANGLAISE : As a customer, I am sensitive to corporate social responsibility and the purchase citizen. I expect the company NESPRESSO respond to ethical management of human resources, regardless of the country where it is located. I am also concerned that the quality of service is deteriorating at the same time as working conditions and wages. In this context, I deplore the current social policy NESPRESSO. I support employees NESPRESSO in their struggle for better working conditions and a salary that reflects the quality of service that I have always appreciated home. I therefore hope that NESPRESSO undertakes in this direction.