Netflix- We need Golden Girls!

"Thank you for being a friend"...now, this is something we don't say nearly enough. And the theme song for this work of art defines over and over and over again how good of a friend this woman singing is. I want her to be MY friend. It is messages like this that our youth is deprived of on Netflix. Anyone can easily watch Toddlers and Tiaras on Netflix and hear how "only facially gifted children" are welcome. Golden Girls embraces people of all ethnicities, religions, and shapes and sizes. In one episode, they were afraid of a Jamaican woman because they thought she was voodooing them. And once, Rose dated a midget. And Blanche dated a guy in a wheelchair. All are welcome. Why does Netflix get to deprive us from comedy without being offensive, women who have lived real lives and teach us all how to be funny and accepting? Please join us by signing this petition to encourage and demand Netflix to allow us to watch Golden Girls on it.