New fanatec ps4 rim

First I'd like to say if Sony is reading any of this, fanatec does not have anything to do with this them self, this is purely made from a community member.
Recently Sony announced that from now on only officially licensed wheels will work with both first and third party games from Sony.
Until now it was up to the developer to add in the peripheral support, but sony has changed the rules to supporting only licensed wheels, these being ( at the moment) the logitech g29 and two wheels from thrustmaster.
Thomas Jackermeier from fanatec has been negotiating with Sony for a licensed ps4 wheel, but in the latest update on the fanatec forum it is said that Sony want fanatec to bring out a seperate, lower costing wheel, leaving everyone who paid over 1000 euro/dollar for the clubsport wheel base v1 and 2 in the dust.
If you are csw b v1/v2 owner or on the verge of buying one, wouldn't you rather invest your well earned money into a 200-300 euro/dollar rim or even better into a 200/300 euro/dollar universal hub rather than a whole new wheelbase?
I believe we can make a difference if everyone shows that they'd rather buy a new ps4 licensed rim than a new wheelbase.