New import regulations for the USA

To – Center for Disease Control
It has come to our attention that CDC has implemented a change to the entry requirements for young dogs entering the US. Included in this change is the requirement that all dogs, including puppies, be vaccinated for rabies a minimum of one month before entry to the US.
understand that the CDC is working to ensure that Rabies is not brought across
US borders. It is however, unclear how this new protocol will improve the
existing regulation when dealing with Canadian dog
importation. The current system requires up to date rabies
vaccinations for all dogs over the age allowable for rabies
vaccination. That would include all dog over the age of five
months. This system has worked well between our two countries and
there has never been a case of rabies transmitted by a companion animal
crossing the border. By reducing the age to four months for
Canadian puppies, there will be unintended consequences with no advantage in
the protection of public health. Canada is unique in the world in its
relationship with the United States. Our common border is long, largely
unattended and allows the free movement of wild animals. The two
countries partner in almost all industries, including pet travel, and our publics
benefit from that trade.
The Canadian puppies bred by responsible small scale breeders are well socialized, individually identified by tattoo or microchip and carefully
raised. The purebred dog industry is highly regulated in Canada and falls under
the governance of the federal government’s Animal Pedigree Act. This Act
requires careful management of the purebred dog population, including animal
husbandry. The genetic diversity of our dog population in Canada and the
US is based on the free movement of purebred dogs between the two
countries. Breeders partner to improve dog health, to maintain
diversity and to improve breeding stock. Limiting access of puppies
will detrimentally impact this activity to the level that many breeders will no
longer be able to continue. There will be impacts on pet families since
people do not want to begin their puppy socialization at five months so will
look to alternatives available, including commercially bred (puppy mill) young
puppies. There will be negative impacts on breeders since puppies raised
for breeding, show or field must be in their ultimate home as early as is
possible to begin the process of training and socialization so will be unable
to take older puppies, thus reducing genetic diversity within the US as
well as in Canada. Purebred dog breeders will be negatively impacted
since few are able to house and properly care for puppies beyond the age of
eight to nine weeks. North American puppy mills will be much less
impacted, as they do not expend the same level of care. Poorly socialized
dogs are more likely to bite, and are more often surrendered to shelters for
behavioural problems.
As an alternative to the rabies vaccination protocol now espoused by CDC,
the following requirement could be effected - In the case of Canadian puppies,
the Canadian international health certificate, completed by a Veterinarian, be
required for each pup under the age of five months, ensuring that the pup
is healthy. In addition, it would be possible to stipulate that only one or
perhaps two pups could be imported at a time. Persons wishing to
import larger numbers of pups would need to follow the Rabies vaccination
requirement, and not import pups younger than four months.
It is requested that the CDC waive the rabies restriction for Canadian puppies
under the age of five months being exported to the US. There has
never been a case of rabies reported in the US emanating from a Canadian
puppy. There is no increase in rabies in Canada. There
is no increase in rabies in the US that has been attributable to Canadian dogs
or Canadian wildlife. A valid veterinary health certificate would
better protect the American public than the new protocol effected by CDC.