For a Democratic Discussion and Vote in the UFT on the New Evaluation System
A controversial new teacher evaluation system is under negotiation that will include the use of student test scores to evaluate teachers.
One expression of the controversy is that one out of every three principals in New York State has gone on record opposing the state law that provided the framework for the negotiations.
Once negotiated, the new system will be the largest change to our working lives in years, greater than the changes in many union contracts. Yet, there are no plans for a ratification vote by the membership.
Therefore, we request a membership-wide referendum on whether to accept the new evaluation system once it is negotiated with the city, after a broad and democratic discussion about the new system within our union.
Gary Rubinstein analyzes
the NYC Teacher Reports and VAM and finds invalid
and deeply flawed metrics.
Diane Ravitch states that relying on standardized testing to measure the worth of teachers and schools damages schools and demoralizes teachers.
Mel Riddile shows how tests and VAM ignore socio-economic realities.
John Ewing writes about the problematic use of VAM to evaluate teachers.
Visit MORE and download the petition to circulate at your school.