Change NH Driver\'s License Gender Markers for Transsexuals Without Surgery
The current policy of the New Hampshire Department of Motor Vehicles now states that a person diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria (GID) who is undergoing treatment by transition must have completed their one year Real Life Test and Sexual Reassignment Surgery as prescribed in the Harry Benjamin Standards of Care, before they can change gender markers on their driver\'s licenses or picture ID to reflect the new gender. However, due to the extreme cost of the procedure and unavailability of Health Insurance Coverage, many individuals can not afford the surgery for an extended number of years; and thus are subjected to the victimization of humiliating discrimination, abuse, loss of employment, rejection of housing and hate crimes when faced with presenting a picture identification with a marker of the gender they are transitioning from rather than the gender to which they are transitioning; thus costing the state lost revenue in extraneous law enforcement, unemployment compensation and lost productivity. THEREFORE: This petition is submitted to the New Hampshire Department of Motor Vehicles requesting that the current policy be changed to reflect the following: That a marker change may be issued when the specific criteria of medical treatment prior to surgery has been met, and indicated when the issuing clerk is presented with a letter from a certified therapist or medical professional, stating the person in question as being diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria (GID) and is under treatment of qualified medical persons and is who\'s intent is to transition from one gender to the opposite gender. When presented with this letter the clerk shall issue a gender marker on the drivers license or picture ID of the projected ending gender as stated on the presented document.