No-Kill Policy - Stray Animals

To Whom It May Concern: We the undersigned protest the treatment of animals in the Defence Area of Karachi. Horrifying stories of them being poisoned or Shot have spread over the Internet that reveals the illegal and inhumane treatment of stray animals in this particular area. The deplorable actions have been confirmed by individuals who reside in this area too. Please let us remind you that the activity at the DHA is in violation of the Pakistan Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890: which aims to ensure that animals are provided a comfortable life and receive good and proper treatment, to protect them in the best manner possible from the infliction of pain, suffering and torture. Also, know that your actions have not only cost lives of these stray animals but also of many beloved pets living in Defence area with their owners. We the undersigned petition the Defence Housing Authority Executive Board to quickly implement the following as part of your DHA VIGILANCE plan: Encourage partnership between animal rescue organizations and DHA Vigilance Branch. Make it mandatory for DHA Vigilance Branch to Contact the animal rescue organization on seeing a Stray animal. Pakistan Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890 should strictly be enforced and implemented. Make it Mandatory for all the residence of DHA to put identification tags on their pets. We request you to show some mercy to these homeless animals and instead of killing them, provide them the right to life, health and nutrition, to establish and maintain proper animal shelters and hospitals for the protection, and to provide care and treatment for them. We have many animal lovers living in this country and outside, who would both provide you with donations and physical help in running it too. The suffering of animals in your area and in Pakistan must come to an end. We ask for an immediate intervention and a correct application of the Pakistan Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890. Sincerely, Animal Lovers of Pakistan.