No to Yorkshire Wildlife Trusts Spurn Visitor Centre Location

Spurn National Nature Reserve is an area of outstanding natural beauty and is one of Yorkshire’s great coastal wildernesses. Indeed this narrow spit of land is unique and provides a variety of fragile habitats where wildlife thrives. This wilderness is under threat! The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust have made clear plans to develop a new 2 story, 6 meter high visitor centre at the very head of this narrow wildlife corridor. This petition aims to protect that wilderness.
Loved by many for a variety of reasons, Spurn & its surrounding area offers wide open views over the Humber Estuary & the North Sea. Changed only by nature itself over the last 5 decades it’s biggest attraction is it’s pull as a truly wild place.
The location proposed for this visitor centre is wholly unsuitable. Situated immediately adjacent to the National Nature Reserve, which has a range of special protection designations, this building will break the skyline & become a permanent man-made scar visible from almost every point in the surrounding area.
The proposed site is in the middle of a fragile area providing valuable cover for migrant birds where they can feed undisturbed. Also alongside a freshwater scrape providing valuable fresh water to a variety of wildlife. The environmental & visual impact will be of significant detriment to wildlife, habitat and natural surroundings.
An area of short grass meadow where wild plants such as vetch grows will be permanently lost, impacting on important insect life along with another area of grassland lost to car parking.
I am asking people to sign this petition to demonstrate their objection to the proposed site and demand that the YWT protect Spurn’s wilderness by moving the location of the visitor centre.
We, the undersigned, object to the proposed site of the YWT Visitor’s Centre at Spurn, and demand that the YWT protect Spurn’s wilderness by moving the location of the visitor centre to one with significantly less environmental & visual impact.