NO CENSORSHIP in the Florida film Incentives program
Michael McWhorter 0

NO CENSORSHIP in the Florida film Incentives program

283 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Michael McWhorter 0 Comments
283 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Florida, like many states currently has a Film incentives program designed to attract motion picture productions, however a new revision (which offers greater incentives) threatens to censor the content in "Family Film" being produced by disqualifying films that "exhibit or imply any act of smoking, sex, nudity, nontraditional family values, gratuitous violence, or vulgar or profane language." or any film that contains content not "suitable for viewing by children age 5 or older" Most would agree not having children see extreme violence or hear adult language is good, the part of concern is "non traditional families" such as Gay or potentially even non-married, interracial or divorced couples would be disqualified. You can read more at the link provided to the right. This act would in essence cripple the film production industry in Florida by alienating many out of state productions and simply because if such a rule exists many other productions (whether they qualify or not) would boycott the state. Even if you are NOT in the film industry this AFFECTS YOU. Gas stations, Hotels, Restaurants, Real Estate and Tourism are just a few of many outlets where film production money stimulates the community where the production is taking place. Art is not always safe, it is not always pretty and everyone has the right to choose to view it or not but NO ONE should be able to dictate the content within. 

State Rep. Stephen Precourt went as far as to say he wanted films that depict life from the 1960's "Think of it as like Mayberry" and said shows with gay characters "Would not be the kind of thing I'd say that we want to invest public dollars in"

For the record the incentive does not "Invest" public dollars, it offers tax breaks to encourage film productions to spend large sums of money here that they would otherwise spend elsewhere.

Let me make one thing clear, this petition IS NOT calling for a boycott of filmmaking in Florida and frankly the rest of the proposed film incentives program is very positive. This is to raise awareness of a dangerous piece of verbiage that we DO NOT want becoming law in the State of Florida or anywhere else for that matter. By signing this petition you are stating that you do not believe government should have a say in how an artist portrays "family" life and so should not exclude someone who meets all other criteria just because their view on this subject differs from your own.

Links to this petition and the signatures within will be sent to all of the Florida State Representatives. I also encourage anyone who is willing to feel free to contact a State representative yourself and let them know how you feel. You CAN make a difference, make your voice heard!

If I anyone needs to contact me directly you can click the "Contect petition sponsor" link on the top right side of the page (under the celebrity sponsors list) or find me on twitter; @TizzyEnt


Maybe not official sponsors but proud to say a few celebrities have signed the Petition. Thank you! Denise Richards (Actress) James Gunn (Writer/Director) Ted Hope (Producer) Joseph Kahn (Director) Diablo Cody (Writer) Brian Lynch (Writer) Steven L. Sears (Writer/Producer)


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