No Walmart In Lakeview East Chicago

No Walmart in Lakeview East
We,in the Lakeview East neighborhood of Chicago appreciate many of the great qualities of our neighborhood. With Halsted Street, Clark Street and of course Broadway all acting as our main corridors and arteries of Commerce, we enjoy a uniquely Beautiful and Diverse slice of Chicago by our Lake.
The area is becoming a bit more congested lately with auto, bus and foot traffic. This is not necessarily a bad thing, up to a point. Our many small Storefront Businesses can profit from this. In fact this whole area along Broadway is considered a Pedestrian zone, meaning that the majority of foot traffic is what feeds our friendliness and our local storefront business entrepreneurs.
I have lived in this community for over 25 years. I know many of the
local residents and they know me. I enjoy many great business
relationships with our local merchants and I know you do as well. My
name is Bob Madden and I invite you to please take the time to fill
out this Petition to:
My intention is to present this Petition to our Aldermanic representatives and our City Council or any other City Body that will benefit by knowing how we feel on this subject.
Issues that concern me and others include:
♣ Walmart's lower prices draw customers away from other smaller businesses, hurting the community.
♣ Employee and labour relations – including Low Wages, Poor Working Conditions, Inadequate Health care, as well as issues involving the company's Strong Anti – UNION Policies.
♣ Allegations of predatory pricing and supplier issues.
♣ Wages - The company does control labor costs by such ways as discouraging overtime, and by the use of "off the clock" labor. There have been numerous lawsuits against Wal-Mart by former employees because of this problem.
Full time hourly associates received, on average, $10.11 an hour and further calculating that working 34 hours per week an employee earns $17,874 per year . This is about twenty percent less than the average retail worker.
Please join me in letting our Elected Officials hear our Voice. Let's STOP WALMART from moving into our beautiful neighborhood and bringing the problems mentioned above along with the unforeseen issues like more than Double The Traffic Congestion!