Nominate AFRIKA BAMBAATAA For The Nobel Peace Prize

This is an honest attempt at getting Afrika Bambaataa, nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize! He brought peace in the boroughs of NYC and propelled a global movement in which young people from all walks of life, all colors, races, & creeds, to find themselves and each other, in peace. He taught many, to peacefully explore and express their talent & creativity...and to uplift themselves and their community through activism. Building bridges between cultures and countries...crossing boundries to show the youth that we are all one and should think for and search to educate ourselves. It was Bambaataa, who formed Hip-Hop into an organized culture and because of this, there a millions of people, from all walks of life, across the globe, who practice the famous four values, instead of chaos & violence and he was very instrumental, upfront, & peaceful in the struggle against aparthied, in South Africa. It can truly be said, that Afrika Bambaataa has personally been the cause of peace amongst a vast amount of the global population, for over three decades. And he tirelessly continues, on the path to exercise, bestow, spread, teach, advocate, and instill the moral values of.....PEACE....LOVE....UNITY....AND HAVING FUN....FOR ALL OF HUMANITY!!!!!!!!
then we truly can't understand, what does.
We need signatures & help from many, to persuade those in the positions of "Qualified Nominators", to actually nominate Afrika Bambaataa, to even have a chance at being considered for a Nobel Peace Prize. If the man, or the civilized culture has positively effected your life, in any way...please sign this petition.