Clark County Shooting Park
We the undersigned homeowners in Northwest Las Vegas object to the Clark County Shooting Park and were never informed of the shooting park prior to purchasing our homes. Our concerns include health issues and the long term effect from the accumulation of lead and lead dust from ammunition blowing into our yards, pools and the upper Las Vegas Wash, how disturbing firearms generating as much as 170 decibles of repetitive noise from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. will be, and the congestion from the projected 300,000 visitors per year this park will bring to our quiet rural community along with the potential for untoward incidents. We are also deeply concerned about the safety of the students at Shadow Ridge High School(4000 feet away)and the disruption of instruction that may be caused by the Shooting Park. We feel this Shooting Park should be moved to a more suitable location far from residential dwellings and schools.