Tower Safety Reform

This petition is to reform the state and federal laws regarding tower safety. This reform would require all owners of personal and commercial structures to have annual inspections to ensure the quality and safety of the structures they want to have climbers climb on.
The inspections would include soil testing , mig testing, foundation testing, steel and bolt testing, Lighting system checks, and safety climb inspections. This reform would require that all owners maintenance their towers to meet quality safety standards within 3 months of inspection or have their towers decommissioned, whether they are used for personal or commercial use.
I have dealt with personally with tower owners in Conroe, Texas and have had some get mad at me for refusing to climb unsafe structures and not providing proper safety equipment.
Also not only the safety of climbers but think about the jobs this would create. Every job from manufacturing, sales, administrative, delivery, construction. America needs more jobs.
The acts depicted in these photos should never be seen or performed. This reform would make it a reality.
*really are the bases only supposed to be checked before decommisioning the tower?*