No Means No! Even for Roman Polanski!

I am a Teenage Rape Survivor and I want to be heard! All arguments about rape are subjective for those who have never been raped. Only when you KNOW the pain of what rape is like, can you be certain that you never want to feel this way again. You want the rapist to pay the price and want to know that the streets are safe again. You want to know that you don't have to be afraid anymore because the dignity you have lost is gone. For a victim of rape the act is never forgotten. NEVER! Anyone who thinks what Roman Polanski did is "Water under the Bridge" and that the case should be "Put to Bed" should consider all the young girls and boys out there who have been raped and are afraid to come forward because they are BROKEN INSIDE. There is no way to be casual about rape, unless you're an absolute MONSTER. Rape is one of the most horrifying experiences. Public perception is always in favor of a CHILD because society has learned enough about rape by now to KNOW that RAPE haunts a human being FOR LIFE! Roman Polanski is no different and no amount of "Celebrity Justice" should keep the focus off of the principal. Roman Polanski raped a 13-year old girl by immobilizing his victim with drugs and sodomizing her. After he found out he would be treated like the rapist that he is, he fled like a coward thinking he was greater than the country who gave him the fame he so much enjoys. Polanski deserves NO FAVORABLE TREATMENT!!!