Stop Pornography use at The University of Utah!

Let The University of Utah know that both it\'s Students and the Citizens of Utah do not want Pornography provided as Educational Material! Press Release: Utah Tax Dollars Fuel Easy Porn Access http://www.nomorepornography.org/UofUPressRelease1.html Harms of Pornography to our Students and Community: Women who are being treated with disrespect and sexually abused. Young men exposed to a false image of sexuality. A society that has become desensitized and dependent upon sex-charged images. Neighbors that have increased crime and decreased property values because of the proliferation of pornography in their communities. Children used for the sexual satisfaction of fathers, stepfathers, and men they trusted. Wives of men preoccupied with pornography and the sex industry. Boys and girls that have lost their innocence by viewing pornography at an early age. (Source: http://www.nomorepornography.org/VictimsofPornography. html) Take Action! Write an email to The President of the University of Utah, Michael K. Young, voicing your objection to both pornography being used as a teaching tool at the university as well as students being allowed to access pornography on campus computers. You may send your email to contact@NoMorePornography.org, and we will present them to President Young or you may send them to his address, president@utah.edu. Address: President Michael K. Young 201 South President\'s Circle, Room 201 Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Tel: (801) 581-5701 Fax: (801) 581-6892 Remember that together, we will make a difference!