Attention Nuclear Regulatory Commission:
Those living in close proximity to the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station as well as other concerned residents of California and indeed citizens from all across America have a message for you. DO NOT ALLOW THIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT TO RESTART UNTIL “ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS” AND “EXTENT OF CONDITION” DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN FILED AND VALIDATED BY INDEPENDENT NUCLEAR EXPERTS.
Our confidence in your performance as protectors of the public has dissipated as we witness your reluctance to act upon recommendations your own staff identified as critical and urgent steps to be taken in light of lessons learned from Fukushima. You have intervened on behalf of the Nuclear Industry to prevent the will of the people in Vermont from being implemented after they voted to shutdown the Yankee-Vermont facility. At the seriously troubled Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in Ohio you recently permitted them to restart before establishing “root cause and extent of conditions” for a 30 foot crack in the concrete building surrounding the reactor vessel. The population of over 8 million people around San Onofre has been exposed to risks due to ineffective oversight by the NRC for years, making it the most unsafe nuclear power plant in the USA, by your own account.
Now you are facing a decision on how to proceed regarding the new but faulty steam generators at San Onofre, which could result in a meltdown if the “root cause and extent of conditions” are not properly identified. Instead of rushing to judgment to restart the plant due to the huge financial pressures the industry is feeling you should know that the public is watching you more closely than ever before. It is time for you to be reminded who you work for.
The PEOPLE have spoken.