NO TO NALCO - No Immunity For Corexit Manufacturer!

Dear Judge Barbier, We the undersigned are concerned about the possibility of NALCO, the manufacturer of COREXIT, from potentially receiving immunity from liability for the estimated 1.9 Million Gallons of Corexit Dispersant that was used during the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The EPA itself had to mandate from the manufacturer the ingredients to determine after-the-fact the potential hazards use of Corexit may have on the sea life and human life for those who live in or near the Gulf of Mexico. The risks are still being evaluated by the Department of Health, and those studies are anticipated to take approximately 10 years to complete. We cannot allow immunity to be granted when the known hazards of this unprecedented use of this chemical contaminate are still be evaluated. The dangers of long-term health implications have been evaluated, and have prompted the US Department of Health to further analyze the unknown health impact on an entire region - inclusive of those born, and those yet to be born. We strongly encourage you to do the right thing Judge Barbier, and deny NALCO'S request for immunity. All parties responsible for the damage that has been created MUST be held accountable for their products, as well as their actions. We owe it to the future generations to do all we can to analyze, evaluate and maintain full accountability for all identities who participated in creating this disaster. Thank you in advance your honor for your consideration.