Rivanna Sewage Pumping Station Petition - County Response

Dear Albemarle County Board of Supervisors,
I am an Albemarle County resident and I ask RWSA to eliminate Option A, or any hybrid solution, from consideration. Option A would locate the new pumping station in the Woolen Mills Neighborhood and at the entry to Riverview Park. I oppose Option A for one or several of the following reasons:
1) I visit the Rivanna Park and enjoy the Rivanna Trail and Rivanna River. A large industrial complex with associated sewage smells and noise would negatively impact my enjoyment of nature and the river.
2) I understand Option A would locate the new pumping station next to a dense urban neighborhood with 317 households within a half-mile radius. I would not want a sewage pumping station in my neighborhood either!
3) The preferred Option D, on State Farm property and downstream, is no closer to Pantop residents. These residents would still be 1/2 mile distant. Contrary to news reports, these county residents would not be negatively impacted by alternate Option D.
4) A hybrid concept would include upgrading the existing non-complying pumping station located at the proposed site A. It smells. To meet code, the station would likely increase in size - further marring the park landscape. Its
location in the floodplain and floodway, sandwiched between two streams
and likely wetlands is also a concern.
5) Finally, I understand other locations are more expensive, but, when costs are shared by all users, the difference only amounts to a yearly rate increase of under $3 on average/household* - the cost of three rolls of toilet paper! I am willing to pay that small difference.
County Resident