Nottingham Council: Bring Back EMA!

Youth Fight for Jobs is campaigning for the Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) and Adult Learning Grant (ALG) to be reinstated. Since the government’s decision to cut the grants, there has been a 49% drop in college applications. With the rise in tuition fees to £9000 a year and youth unemployment now beyond the 1 million mark, young people are being given no future. These attacks are being made because of an economic crisis that was caused by the banks and the rich, not ordinary young and working people. We demand that we are not made to pay! We call on the council to: - Continue the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) and Adult Learning Grant (ALG) payments to students in Further Education - Not to make cuts to jobs and services in order to do this but instead campaigns to get the funding from the government - Campaign for the national reinstatement of EMA and ALG - Campaign for the government to extend EMA and ALG to all students in Further Education