Demand Justice for 3 Teen Girls Sexually Assaulted in NYC Courthouse

Dear Justice Mullen:
We the undersigned are outraged with the lenient and completely inappropriate sentencing that has been proposed for Tony Simmons, who was recently convicted of raping one teenage girl and sexually assaulting two others entrusted to his custody for transport to Manhattan Family Court.
The facts that all of the girls assaulted were young teens and that the perpetrator was a city employee and juvenile counselor, an individual appointed to uphold the standards of law and assist troubled teens, makes his offenses even more egregious.
If we cannot deliver justice for these three teen victims who were assaulted on the premises of the Manhattan Family Court building by an employee assigned to protect them, how can we expect justice for any women victims of violence?
We strongly urge you to sentence Tony Simmons, a confessed rapist of children, to a jail sentence that reflects the depravity and violence of his crime and his outrageous violation of public trust and authority.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.