Draft Jim Webb for Vice President!

This petition is being sponsored by Raising Kaine (www.raisingkaine.com), the Virginia blog that started the (ultimately successful) \"Draft James Webb\" movement in 2006, along with other Virginia bloggers and non-blogging supporters. Now, it\'s time to do it again, this time for even higher stakes. We believe that an Obama-Webb ticket would be the strongest possible for Democrats against John McCain. Yeah, let\'s see Republicans try to \"Swift Boat\" Jim Webb (Navy Cross, Silver Star, Ronald Reagan\'s Navy Secretary) -- good luck! More broadly, Jim Webb brings to the table tremendous national security, military and foreign policy experience. Webb also brings a focus on economic fairness and social justice, somewhat similar to what John Edwards talks about except Webb calls it the \"Three Americas\" (the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, the middle class getting squeezed out of existence). Finally, it was Jim Webb himself who said, \"The greatest realignment in modern politics would take place rather quickly if the right national leader found a way to bring the Scots-Irish and African Americans to the same table.\" Barack Obama and Jim Webb African Americans and Scots-Irish Sounds like just the ticket to us!