O-Bahn Beautification Project
Recently I have noticed a build up of vandalism in some areas of the o-bahn walk way, predominantly in the tunnels that cross under the o-bahn busway. As you would know from the past, attempting to eradicate said vandalism through the means of repainting has not been a successful venture. Personally, I believe that repainting these surfaces only provides vandals with a fresh canvas to perform their scrawls. I myself, am a legal name-based artist and i am offering a possible solution to the costly upkeep of tunnels and other walls along the o-bahn walk way. This solution is what i would consider a beautification project. Rather than giving vandals a fresh canvas, the tunnels should be filled with good art, big artworks that the community will stop and admire rather than disprove of the state of the tunnels and walls. Also i believe that if the beautification goes ahead, more people will feel safe walking along the walk way because of the lack of vandalism.
Adelaide Metro