Resist Africom!

“When the white man came to Africa he was holding a Bible in one hand and asked us to close our eyes and pray. When we opened our eyes after the prayer his other hand was holding a gun and all our land was gone.” JOMO KENYATTA President of Kenya 1963-1978
The purpose for this military regime is the united states national interest with recolonizing Africa by retaining Africa's resources and devaluing the African Continent's sovereignty! Congressional Hearings took place during 2007 with great resistance from the African Union and ALL African nations.
Many activists and journalists from all over the world cried out a resounding NO to american colonialism and it was used as evidence during congressional hearing in 2008. The the validity of africom's special interest with Africa was also questioned from some congressional leaders.
Yet the lust for African domination by the united states was so strong along with the huge amount of monetary gain became a priority as was approve by congress. afriom, is now officially the SIXTH branch of the united states military with a coffer of 374 billion and counting....funded by the american taxpayer since October 2008!
africom's organizational structure combines the pentagon, the department of defense, usAid, and the state department as one entity of support.
Colonialism once again is rearing its ugly head and this is a opportunity for any person who disagrees with africom by signing this petition! 1Love
PLEASE DO NOT LET COLONIALISM HAPPEN AGAIN UPON AFRICA, President Barack Obama and Congress, Cease and Desist africom and it's funding from the taxpayers. Leave the governance and sovereignty of Africa to the African Union/African nations.
Africa Command: Opportunity for Enhanced Engagement or the Militarization of U.S.-African Relations United States House of Representatives 110th Congress First Session, Washington, D.C. Serial No. 110–104; August 2, 2007
Say No to Africom, Danny Glover and Nicole C. Lee; The Nation November 19, 2007
Africom - Latest U.S. Bid to Recolonise Continent; The Herald, Government of Zimbabwe; 7 January 2010
Gbeho--US can’t force AFRICOM on Ghana; Yeboah, Isaac, My Joy Online; June 1, 2009
Africom - Stop in the name of the Law! Mark P. Francher, Jeffrey L. Edison and Ajamu Sankofa; National Conference of Black Lawyers August 31, 2009
6.http://www.youtube.com/watchv=JRCZk8mM1EU Youtube video about Africom produced by ResistAfricom.org
Event Transcript from a Center for Advanced Defense Studies conference in Washington, D.C., October 28, 2009
Alex Jones Show talking about Africom on youtube
US searching for a home for Africom- AlJazeera english youtube video
You can contact the White House yourself, voice your opinion!