Open Letter to the Bishops
Letter to the Bishops for the UpcomingSynod
In light of the upcoming synod on the family, you no doubt have heard from many people who would like to see a change in the Church’s teachings on family planning. Lest you think there is only one opinion on the matter, we present you with the following petition, signed by supporters and married couples who have embraced the Church’s teachings with great joy.
We, the undersigned, joyfully and fully affirm the teaching of the Catholic Church as outlined in Humanae Vitae and Familiaris Consortio. We believe that artificial contraception is harmful to marriage and family life and that natural methods of spacing births provide physical and psychological benefits for marital relations and personal health. We believe an openness to the gift of life is intrinsic to the gift that is the vocation of marriage.
We firmly reject the false idea that the Church’s teaching on these matters is unattainable or contrary to the lived experience of married life. Our experience and choices prove otherwise.
We acknowledge the difficulties that can come with the vocation of marriage; we do not look with rose-colored glasses on the trials that can be unique to married life. We are not perfect. We find there are challenges in all aspects of life and we embrace the notion that marriage is a journey of two people helping one another towards sainthood. Following the Church’s teachings has helped our marriages and helped us grow closer as spouses.
We come from all ages, income brackets, and walks of life; small families and large families. We are united in our belief that the Catholic Church’s teaching on contraception and sexual union affirms the dignity of the human person and strengthens families.
We believe that more promotion and education is needed on natural family planning and the Church’s true teaching on the dignity of marriage and sexual relations. This includes the courage to speak from the pulpit, in marriage preparation education, in written materials, and in our daily lives. Distortions on the subject are widespread and need correcting so that more people may come to know the freedom and joy that comes with the Catholic view of marriage and family life. As Catholics we all share the responsibility for this witness. We pray for you and the upcoming synod on the family.