Oppose a Merger of Chapel Hill Carrboro YMCA & Y of the Triangle w/o changes to YOTA LGBTQ policies

We the undersigned: 1. Oppose a management services agreement and/or merger between the Chapel Hill Carrboro YMCA (CHCYMCA) and the YMCA of the Triangle (YOTA) UNLESS YOTA includes sexual orientation in its non-discrimination policies for employment, volunteering, and coaching. Currently, the CHCYMCA does have a non-discrimination policy that includes sexual orientation, while YOTA does not. 2. Oppose a management services agreement and/or merger unless YOTA additionally changes its membership policies to offer couples and family memberships for registered domestic partners. The CHCYMCA currently has those membership options. We are against taking any step backward in human rights progress. *We ask each signer to note if they live in Orange or Chatham Counties and if they are a member of the Chapel Hill Carrboro YMCA (CHCYMCA). Comments are welcome.