I Oppose Sin Sin Leopard Lounge Liquor License Transfer

I oppose the transfer of license sought by Sin Sin/ Leopard Lounge and ask that the State Liquor Authority deny Sin Sin / Leopard Lounge a license transfer on the following grounds; -Night after night of screaming, shouting into cell phones, & loud music -Violence & drug use in the street. Fist fights are a common ocrurance. -Lack of sleep causes, stress, poor health, and effects job performance & income -Staff often indifferent, and unable to deal with the 100s of patrons who exit bar and scream in the street from 3:30 to 4:30pm. -Years of calling 311 has had no effect -Sin Sin owners profit on the backs of their neighbor’s nightly misery. -Sin Sin has a long history of creating nightly disruptions, and it is getting worse and worse. The operators have been disinterested in controlling their crowd.